Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sewing table

One of my many goals for this year is to do more sewing/ crafting.  In order to motivate myself, I went out and bought a new sewing table.  Considering the top alone weighed 61 pounds, it was quite an adventure getting it into my friends small car and up to my apartment this weekend.  Now that its all set up I'm so excited to get started on some projects.

Ta-da! Here is my sweet new set up. I have room to keep my sewing machine out as well as room to work on projects.  Since my dream job is a forensic scientist I went with the fingerprint patterned table top.   I love how it looks.  

Here is a close up of the cool pattern on my table. 

I also decided to make myself a cute little pin cushion box to go with my table.  I've already had a few requests for these, so that should keep me busy for a bit.  Perhaps I'll turn the next one I make into a tutorial. 

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