Saturday, February 2, 2013

Strawberry Dark Chocolate Hand Pies

It's February 2nd and while my Christmas tree is still up, I think it's time to shift the focus toward Valentine's Day.  In theory I really like this holiday but after spending the past four Valentine's days alone it has become more of an excuse to stuff my face with large amounts of chocolate.  Like most girls, I like my chocolate paired with strawberries. This year I came up with some fun hand held pies to indulge my cravings.

Strawberry Dark Chocolate Hand Pies


  • Fresh strawberries
  • Glaze for strawberries
  • 1tsp flour
  • 1tbsp sugar
  • Dark chocolate chips
  • Pre-made pie crust


1) Pre-heat the oven to 350.  Begin by rolling out the pie crust and cutting out 16 heart shapes.  

2) Dice 6 large strawberries and place them in a bowl. Toss with the sugar, flour, and 1tbsp strawberry glaze.

3) Place a spoonful on each of the 8 hearts.

4) Top with a few dark chocolate chips.

5) Place a 2nd heart on each of the original hearts and crimp the edges closed with a fork.

6) Sprinkle sugar over the finished pies and bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.


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