Saturday, September 22, 2012

3 Cheese Bow-ties with Bacon and Chicken

 This is the first meal I cooked in my new apartment.  I didn't take quite as many pictures as I would have liked, but I was busy entertaining my guests.  You're all smart people, I'm sure you can figure it out.  It was really good so give it a try.

3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
2 cups milk
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
7 slices provolone cheese
1/2 cup shredded italian cheese blend
2 chicken breasts
1 lb bacon
1 12oz box bow tie pasta
Red pepper flakes
Sun dried tomoatoes

(Note: I really like meat... you don't have to use near that much chicken or bacon)


1) Boil the chicken breast until fully cooked.

2) While the chicken is cooking you can also begin cooking the bacon.  I find the easiest way is to use kitchen shears to cut the bacon into half inch pieces.

3) Once all the bacon is cut, fry it up.

4) Once the chicken is done remove it from the pan and cut it into bite size pieces. Set it aside.

5) Remove the bacon from the frying pan and set on a paper towel to drain off some of the fat. Set it aside.

6) In a large pot get some water boiling.  Don' forget to salt the water.  Once the water reaches a rolling boil add the entire box of pasta and cook on medium high heat until tender.

7) Once the pasta is done drain it and set aside.

8) In a medium sauce pan, combine 3 tbsp of butter and 3 tbsp of flour on medium low heat.  Stir together using a wooden spoon. If you don't have one don't worry, a regular spoon will do.  The result of mixing these should be a pasta like consistency.  If its too thick add more butter.

9) Kick the heat up to medium and add 2 cups of milk.  Whisk like crazy until the majority of the lumps are gone.  Bring this mixture to a boil and let it boil until it thickens up a bit.

10) Now is the best part.  Add the cheese.  All of it.  And turn the heat to low.  Slowly mix until all the cheese is melted.  

11) Once the cheese is melted add salt and red pepper flakes to taste.

12) Pour this awesome sauce over the pasta and mix it all up.  Gently fold in the chicken, bacon, and sliced sun dried tomatoes and dig in.

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