Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cheria - Part 1

This year I will be attending the Anime Central for the first time ever. For anyone who is unaware this a large anime convention held in Rosemont, Il.   I will also be cosplaying for the first time.  This is a whole new adventure for me, and the next month will be completely occupied getting my outfit together.   I really don't have a lot of experience sewing, so this should be interesting as I am making the majority of my out fit from scratch.  

The character I chose to cosplay is Cheria from the game Tales of Graces.  She is super cute and I hope to do her justice.

So far I have ordered my wig, shoes, and contacts.  I have also bought most of the fabrics and accessories I need.  All that's really left is to throw it all together. 

As you can see the lace I have is currently white, but I have purchased some black dye to attempt to dye it.   The other 2 bottles of dye will be used to dye my wig once I get it.  That will be a fun adventure for another post. I have commissioned another cosplayer to make my broach as well as a set of daggers, more about those when I have more pictures. 

Today I began work on the skirt.  Like I said, I have very little sewing experience so I was a bit scared. Luckily it all seems to be coming together pretty well.  I made all the pleats, and attached the waistband. 

Goals for this week are to dye the lace and finish the skirt.  Next week I hope to be able to start on the top.  To be continued...

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