Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cheria - Part 2

This week I made more progress on my Cheria cosplay.  I was about to dye the trim for the skirt as well as attach it to the skirt.  I also got a few of the pieces I ordered in the mail, which was super exciting. I even found over knee black socks which was more difficult than expected.  There is still a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, but I feel like its coming together pretty well.   Luckily I have a day off work this week, so hopefully I can devoted a lot of time to working on the top.

Dyeing the lace went significantly better than I thought it would.  I filled a pan with water, added about 1/2 a bottle of black RIT dye, and tossed in the lace.  I let it cook on the stove for about 15 minutes and it was done.   I then rinsed it off in the sink and let it dry.

Once the lace was dry I pinned it to the hem of my skirt.  I haven't sewed it yet.  I want to make sure that I am 100% happy with the length before I sew it on.  The current theme is to keep making it shorter. 


One of the things I received in the mail this week was my wig.  I LOVE IT!! I ordered this awesome pink wig from Arda Wigs.  It even came with a cute little drawing of Cheria from one of the ladies I know there.   The plans for the wig are to use RIT fuchsia dye to dye it and then to cut it shorter and add the pig tails on the top.

Here is the other piece of the outfit I got in the mail. Finding plain white boots was a tricky task.  I found these on Ebay. Technically Cheria's boots don't have heels, but I'm short and need the extra height.  I plan on making the sole and the heels black with either a sharpie or some black paint.   After that I have to add the red ribbon details to the sides. 

This is rough assembly of the pieces I have so far.  I have the skirt, socks, shoes, and wig.  Goals for this week are to add the details to the boots, dye the wig, and start on the top.  My weekend is all booked up so hopefully I can get most of that done during the week. 

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the top; hope it turns out great!
