Friday, October 26, 2012

Candy Corn Cookie Bark


This bark might not be super pretty, but what it lacks in looks it makes up for in taste.
Candy Corn Cookie Bark
  •  1 package white almond bark
  •  1.5 cups pretzels, broken into piece
  •  16 Halloween Oreos, broken into pieces
  •  1 cup Candy corn
  • Halloween sprinkles
1) Spread the Oreos, pretzels, and half the candy corn on a cookie sheet (ideally with sides) lined with foil
2) Place the bark in a microwave bowl and microwave slowly until its melted. About 2 minutes

3) Carefully pour the almond bark over the cookie sheet


4) Spread the bark so that all the Oreos and pretzel pieces are covered.  Top with sprinkles and remaining candy corn
5) Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour or until hardened

 6) Break into small pieces and serve.


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