Friday, August 10, 2012

Plushie Bats and Penguins

As of today, there are only 82 days until Halloween.  This means its time for me to get started on all my Halloween crafts so they are ready to decorate my apartment.  I found 2 tutorials that are just too cute to pass up. Neither project takes a lot of time and they share some of the same materials so they were a good pair for a weekend of Halloween crafts. In one weekend I was able to produce 6 bats, and 3 penguins. 

Plush Bats:
I have a very high affinity for bats, so when I found these cute little guys I knew I had to make them.

To create your own plush bats, check out this tutorial. 

You will need a sewing machine for both of these projects and some sewing skills to match.

Bat wings can totally double as awesomely big mustachios.

Here's a close up of the face. You can give them all kinds of cute accents with felt and embroidery floss.

Some of my finished bats and the color combinations I used. 

Plush Pengiuns:
Penguins are by far my favorite animal, so I wanted to use them in decorations for my favorite holiday.  I found a tutorial for some plush penguins and decided to make them out of Halloween fabrics.  I would eventually like them to be holding the letters to spell out BOO, but I didn't get that far yet.  No fear, its only August.

The full tutorial for these penguins can be found here.

Penguin wings can totally double as horns.

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