Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ceramic Tile Coasters

It's August 12th and I should really be packing for my move at the end of the month.  Instead I decided I needed a break for some crafting.  While dragging out the contents of my closet I found some very cute Halloween napkins from last year.  I decided to use them to make some even cuter coasters.

Modge Podge
Krylon clear gloss 
indoor/outdoor spray paint
4 paper napkins
make-up sponge
4 ceramic tiles
16 small non-skid circles


1) Using the make-up sponge coat the top of one ceramic with Modge Podge.  The sponge leaves less streaks than a brush.

2) Select the area of the napkin you want on the coaster.  Gently lay the area over the tile.  Try to lay it as flat as possible to avoid wrinkles. 

3) Using the sponge, put another layer on Modge Podge on the napkin, smoothing out any wrinkles.  Make sure to cover the entire thing, including the edges.

4) Very gently pull the napkin away from the edges of the tile.  This will be easier if the napkin is damp with Modge Podge.

5) Give the entire thing one more coat of Modge Podge and let dry.  Repeat for the other three tiles.

6) Once the tiles have dried spray them with a clear coat of spray paint.  Let dry 30 minutes and give a second coat of spray paint.

7) Attach the non skid circles to each corner of the coaster.

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