Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Caprese Bites

Every year for Christmas eve my family hosts a party at our house.  We have food and drinks and play games with the family.   Its always a really good time.  For the food we primarily do lots of different finger foods that people can munch on throughout the night.  Each year my mom and I like to try out one or two different things in addition to the old standbys we always have.  This year we decided to put together some caprese bites, and I must say they were delicious. 

Caprese Bites

  • 1 large package of cherry tomatoes
  • 5-7 sticks of mozzarella string cheese 
  • 1 bunch of fresh basil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar


1) Rinse and pat dry the cherry tomatoes.

2) Cut a thin slice off the bottom.

3) Scoop out the seeds. I found it easiest to use my fingers to do this but you can also use a small melon baller or a knife.

4) Place the tomato cut side down on a paper towel to drain liquid.

5) After they have drained place them upright on a plate and lightly salt and pepper them.

6) Rinse and gently pat dry the basil. Tear the basil into pieces in stick on piece into each hollowed out tomato.

7) Cut the mozzarella sticks into bite size pieces and place them inside the tomatoes.

8) Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

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