Friday, December 27, 2013

Pretzel Turtle Bites

These pretzel bites have been popping up all over the internet recently.   The day before christmas Eve my mother decides that she wants to get in on the action and make them as well.  The original recipe calls for Rolos, but due to the popularity of these things every store we went to was sold out of bags of Rolos.  They did have bags of the mini Rolos but we were afraid the chocolate to other stuff ratio would be off.   We browsed the candy aisle and finally decided to go with Dove caramel filled milk chocolates.  Then we got home, got some wine, and set to work making these little treats.

Pretzel Turtle Bites


  • Pretzels (I chose the mini twists but any roundish shape should work)
  • Pecan halves
  • Dove caramel filled milk chocolate

  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Arrange the pretzels in a single layer on a parchment lined cookie sheet. 
  2. Place one chocolate covered caramel candy on each pretzel.    
  3. Bake for 4 minutes. 
  4. While the candy is warm, press a pecan half onto each candy covered pretzel. 
  5. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

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