Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hungry Luma cosplay - Super Mario Galaxy

Hungry Luma Cosplay

         If you like my cosplay please like my facebook page and follow me on twitter @forstericosplay

The only thing better than a luma is a hungry luma. Lumas can be found in the Super Mario Galaxy games.  They resemble fat stars and they make the cutest noises.  Hungry lumas eat either coins or starbits that you find along the way and when you feel them enough they transform with snacky happiness into new galaxies or warp stars. I truly feel that the hungry luma is my spirit animal and I'm so glad I was able to pull together a hungry luma cosplay for ACen 2015.

The only things I had to make for this cosplay were the wig and the starbit props, but man were they both a challenge.  Everything else was bought on amazon (yay prime).  For the wig I used Arda's lulu wig and a package of long wefts.  I really had no idea what I was doing so I just kind of dove in and hoped for the best.  I used some foam I had bought for recovering my dining room chairs and carved out the shape I wanted using my dremel.   As you can see in the photo this was a stupidly messy processes and I'm still finding bits of foam all over.  From there I used clear caulk and a hot glue gun to attach the wefts to the foam.   Somehow it came out looking not so bad.  I then glued the foam topper to the wig and I was done with that adventure.

Hungry lumas wave sticks with starbits above their head to get Mario's attention.  This is a key part of distinguishing yourself from an average everyday luma.  Again, I had no idea how to make these.   I thought about using paper but I wasn't sure how good it would look and I would be doomed if it rained.  I happened to find these giant metal pointy decorative...things....at Hobby Lobby.  At the steep price of $50 each my mom told me I was crazy if I bought them.  I went back and checked on them at least 3 times before finally they went on sale.  They were originally gold so I spray painted them fun colors and drilled holes in them so I could attach wooden dowels.  I used JB Weld to secure the sticks to the starbits and I must say it held up astonishingly well!

Hungry luma pictures from the Mario photoshoot at ACen:

I had decided several week in advance that I really wanted to wear my hungry luma cosplay to the Sugar Factory, but as we walked over to the restaurant I felt a little self conscious of my eccentric outfit.   That feeling didn't last long.  While we waited for our table several groups of people asked to take pictures with me and I was able to get some fun shots with all the candy.  Once we were seated I got one of the most amazing drinks I've ever seen.  It was served in a goblet with candy and dry ice and the server thought it was great that I had props for my pictures with the drink.  I can't wait to go back.   I'm thinking Wreck It Ralph cosplay next time!