Sunday, July 14, 2013

Graham Cracker Ice Cream Sandwiches

Summer is in full swing and I have been craving some ice cream.  The only ice cream I have in my apartment is pumpkin ice cream left over from all of my Halloween activities.  Pumpkin ice cream isn't something I normally eat on its own, so I had to find something to add to it.  After lots of experimenting I found it best when it was turned into a simple ice cream sandwich.

Graham Cracker Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Ice cream
  • Graham crackers
  • garnishes 


1) Begin by letting the ice cream sit out long enough so that is soft enough to spread.

2) Using a spoon take a large spoonful of ice cream and spread on the graham cracker.

3) Place a 2nd graham cracker on top to form a sandwich.  You can then roll the sides in whatever garnish you would like. Sprinkles, chocolate chips, chopped nuts, etc.  I tried black sprinkles to give it a Halloween vibe but it looked pretty bad so don't try that.

4) Place the completed sandwiches in the freezer and then freeze until the ice cream is firm.

Friday, July 5, 2013

ACen/Cheria final product - Tales of Graces

Well...its been about a month two months since I went to ACen, so maybe its about time I got around to posting the pictures of my cosplay and some of the cool stuff I picked up.

ACen overall was a pretty good experience.  I bought some new things, met some awesome people and got to show off all the hard work I put into my cosplay.

If you like my cosplay please like my facebook page and follow me on twitter @forstericosplay 

Some of the goods I acquired....

acen, wig, corset

The first thing I bought was a corset.   I have never owned a corset before, but when I saw them I just couldn't resist.  The whole process is rather time consuming as they have to fit you for it to make sure the size is right and they let me try out some different styles before I made my final selections. Everyone at the booth was very helpful and I would highly recommend their corsets. They are well made and the designs are beautiful. You can check out their Facebook page here.


The next booth I stopped by was Tasty Peach Studios.  They have some of the cutest things you will ever see.  I picked up the zombie alpaca plushie as well as the adorable bat necklace.  

The last thing I bought was this little turret figure from the Portal games.  I actually have 3 of them in different patterns but this is the one that sits on my desk at work.

And now for the main event.  COSPLAY PICTURES!!!

cosplay, cheria, tales of graces

Overall I am pretty pleased with the finished product.

cheria, cosplay, pascal, tales of graces

I walked around with a friend who was cosplaying a character from the same game (Tales of Graces), and we had a lot of people stop and ask us for pictures which was a fun experience. 

cheria, asbel, cosplay, pascal, tales of graces

We also ran into someone dressed as Asbel from ToG which was really cool.

While wandering around we ran into a few other characters from the Tales games that invited us to a meet-up at Denny's.  We got to meet several other tales fans and discuss the games over dinner.  By the time we took the picture a few people have wandered off already, but here are is a pretty cool group shot.  It was nice to meet so many new people who enjoy the games. 

tales of graces, cosplay, cheria